Alleged New Details Surface About Night of Tiger's Car Crash

Monday, January 25, 2010

A suspicious Elin Nordegren set events in motion on the night of Tiger Woods's fateful car crash by pretending to be her husband in texts to his alleged mistress Rachel Uchitel, a new report claims.

Citing information from two unnamed Nordegren acquaintances, The Daily Beast is offering a new account of just what happened in the early morning hours of Nov. 27.

Among the claims:

• That Tiger had Elin talk to Uchitel on the phone before the affair was reported in the National Enquirer to convince her the relationship was platonic.

• That Elin confirmed her lingering suspicions on the night of the car crash by texting Uchitel and impersonating her husband – and then calling Uchitel after she texted back.

• That Tiger had taken Ambien and was in a stupor when Elin woke him by screaming at him.

• That Tiger texted Uchitel soon after his wife woke him up – and that Elin also found this text and chased Tiger out of the house.

The report also says Elin is waiting until Woods finishes any rehab treatment he's undergoing before making a final decision about a divorce.

A source close to Uchitel, who did not speak to Uchitel specifically about this night in question, tells PEOPLE that the events as described above sound highly plausible, knowing Uchitel.